Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jessica Simpson shocks her dentist - Monsters and Critics

Jessica Simpson shocks her dentist - Monsters and Critics

Apparently Simpson's dentist doesn't approve of the "shirt-as-a-hygiene-tool" method!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jessica Simpson's Oral Hygiene Regimen

Could this be why Cowboy QB Tony Romo sent her packing? 

In an interview on the Ellen DeGeneres show Simpson made a startlingly candid revelation - she brushes her teeth THREE TIMES A WEEK. 

*eyes rolling* But she does floss and use mouthwash.  More here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Boomers Have Unique Dental Problems

Baby boomers are living longer, and also keeping their teeth longer.  As this article describes, this has led to dental problems that were not so previously widespread.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fake Dentist Arrested, Used Power Tools on Patients

A man who claimed to have a dentist's license in Mexico was arrested for operating a practice in Chicago.  Among the items recovered from the practice were tools like these pictured here.  Patients were asked to spit into a garbage pail after rinsing.

My question would be, how many patients would remain in the chair when the "dentist" approached with a Black and Decker in hand?

More here.

Indoor Tanning Addictive?

This article from the L.A. Times discusses how indoor tanning stimulates the same part of the brain as drug addiction. In spite of recognizing the associated and documented health risks, of the students surveyed "78% said they had tried to cut down on the time spent tanning but couldn't, and 78% said they felt guilty about using tanning beds or booths too much."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Show Me Where It Hurts

There may be a good reason why some dental patients cannot pinpoint which tooth is giving them problems.  In fact it may be difficult in some cases for a person to tell if it is an upper or lower tooth that ails them.  (read more)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Taxes or Dentist?

Interesting perspective from US News and World Report blogger.  Personally, I prefer a dental visit to an IRS visit anyday.

More here.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How the Recession May Hit You Right in the Mouth

Feeling stressed over the economic recession?  In addition to hitting you in the pocket, the recession may be hitting you in the mouth as well.  Stress-related bruxism, or grinding is on the rise.  This informative article on the economy and bruxism may make you aware of a common problem.

When Selecting a Toothbrush, think SOFT!

At each hygiene visit our patients are treated to a new tootbrush.  They come in varying styles and colors.  However, they share a common trait:  ALL have soft bristles.

This article explains why.

Fluoridated Water

Living on Long Island, we are denied fluoridated tap water, which is enjoyed by neighboring NYC.  This article tells why drinking fluoridated tap water helps prevent tooth decay.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oral Hygiene Begins...

...well, when that first tooth comes in! This article provides cleaning instructions, as well as how to get your child ready for that first dental visit.